Ryan Oxild, MI-LIS

Professional Dreamer

Determination Spirit Creativity openmindedeness dedication enthusiasm

A Brief Bio

I've always been fascinated with information. Wikipedia is my best friend. There's nothing like discovering the world through the written word. As it would happen, I was a late reader, as in I didn't read until 1st grade, the second time around. One day, all of a sudden, I could read every book in the room. And I didn't stop there. I read everything I could get my hands on. No stone unturned is my philosophy. Everything has a history, and every history is important.

During my college years, I became passionate about writing, from prose to poetry and everything in between. I joined my college lit mag, the stupendous Normal Review, Montclair State's de facto source for cutting-edge work. It was there I collaborated with other young artists and future changemakers and we worked together to create something awesome. It was then I knew I wasn't destined for some ordinary work-a-day life. I wanted to use my capacity for creativity to bring something great to the world.


I've always loved the library. There is something so incredible about a house of knowledge, and librarians are the stewards of information. I've worked for 8 years in public libraries, primarily in Youth Services. I keep my communities engaged and work to foster early and digital literacy. I'm always finding new outlets to explore, and gaining insight into the latest developments and trends within the library and information world. Collectively, I have provided services to more than 1000 individuals in 5 distinct communities.

My training involves understanding the tenets of librarianship, including the ALA's Bill of Rights. I am a strong advocate for intellectual freedom and universal access to information. I regularly instruct users on the nature of search and have produced tutorials on using digital services. I am able to quickly and effectively respond to any information need with peer-reviewed and critical information.

Some of my programming contributions have included kids' coding clubs, Minecraft clubs, LEGO and architecture clubs, story times and reading clubs, science presentations, therapy animal programs, sing-alongs and music-based programs, instrument instruction, and so much more. I am always looking for new challenges and ways to expand my horizons.

American Library Association, 2023

A Couple Tidbits

I do a little of a lot of things. Some of my short-term work has included:

Reporting, Photography

Editing, Proofreading

Images produced by R. Oxild using Canva